Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

We were all so happy to wake up and see that St. Nicholas came last night and filled our stockings! Ava got some baby food, new bath toys and an ornament for the tree - Kevin got an ornament too (and chocolates and a Rubik's cube). Both ornaments have bells on them, so Ava found it fun to shake them a bunch before they went on the tree! Even Monte had a stocking - some bones to make his breath smell better!

Kevin got home in time for dinner last night, so we are all very happy to have him back! Santa made an early delivery and had a snow blower waiting for him in the garage! Yeah!

Happy St. Nicholas Day!!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Happy St Nicholas Day as well!! My boy saw his feather a few days before so was anxious to get to it beforehand.. though he plays with his furry mouse more than his feather as he can throw it up in the air and try to catch it..

Lovely, a snow plow! So Anna is the new Snow Fairy for others perhaps? :)